The Way is an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the Jesuits in Britain. Through writing informed by critical and creative scholarship, it aims to provide a forum in which thoughtful Christians, from different walks of life and different traditions, reflect on God’s continuing action in human experience.

Among particular concerns of The Way are:


Growing Strength

Even in the darkest moments of human history, hope has sprung anew, strength has been received and we have been able to walk forward in confidence. The human spirit was made indefatigable, nourished by the hidden well-spring of God’s life. Each of the articles in this issue touches upon the theme of resilience, a growing strength in the face of adversity. With God at our side we stand forever at the threshold of hope.

Talking Points

Recommended reading on important spiritual themes
Consolation and desolation

Consolation and desolation

Ignatius called the experience of the sheer grace of God ‘consolation’, and constrasted it with the ‘desolation’ that results from self-obsession and self- absorption. Explore different ways of understanding and reponding to these ‘movements of the spirits’.

Spiritual conversation

Spiritual conversation

A spiritual conversation is any conversation where God is encountered, from spiritual direction and the Ignatian Exercises themselves to a casual exchange that opens on to deeper meaning and grace. Experience that moment when wonder strikes, energy is found and new horizons are revealed.

Spirituality and psychology

Spirituality and psychology

What is the relationship between spirituality and psychology: between how we understand and care for the mind, and how we encounter God? And what can spiritual direction, psychotherapy and counselling learn from one another?


Magdalen Lawler SND, Well of Living Water

In Well of Living Water, Magdalen Lawler SND combines Ignatian spirituality and art history in a detailed and prayerful response to the iconic depiction of this encounter, bringing the reader to sit at the well with Jesus and witness the inspiring dialogue that takes place there. With a step-by-step reconstruction of the gospel scene, an Ignatian prayer guide and detailed reproductions of the icon, this book is itself a wellspring of spirituality for those looking to start a dialogue of their own.